This table provides seven categories of information for three European countries from the United Kingdom: England, Scotland and Wales. Overall, these nations have few similar characteristics, except for language and climate. Starting with population, England has 47 million people while Scotland is far behind with 5.2 million, and Wales has 2.6 million is not far behind Scotland.
England is also the leader in terms of land area: it encompasses over 130,441 sq kilometers, almost double that of its neighbor Scotland and almost 6 times larger than Wales. Turning to exports, we can see that every country has different exports from each other. The three countries share cool and wet climate. Concerning terrain, England, Scotland and Wales are mainly flat and mountainous respectively. All three nations also have a same language but in Scotland people speak Gaelic and in Wales they speak Welsh. Finally; expect for manufacturing in England and Wales, all three depend on different economic sectors.
To sum up, none of the countries has much in common, expect for long climate. Never the less, there are more differences than similarities.
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